Herbal Tranquility Testimonial: Na, Age 39, Member of Herbal Tranquility

Can you tell me what brought you to this organization?

The thing that led me to Herbal Tranquility is my desire to support my husband’s family business. I wanted to help out and knew that I needed to learn as much as I could about what my husband and mother-in-law were trying to do.  At first I didn’t have too much interest in it, because I didn’t really understand how the business was going to work or how the products would help the people who would use it.

One day my husband asked me to come along with him to shop for the herbs and other ingredients that would be used in our products.  While shopping I saw that my husband was carefully selecting the materials for our product.  He told me how each ingredient had unique medicinal benefits.  I then began to to see what he was envisioning for the products and realized that what we were going to make at Herbal Tranquility was going to be so special.

As time progress, I witnessed my husband putting in lots of time and love into the Herbal Tranquility products.  He motivated me to do the same, and I increasingly became more and more enthusiastic about helping out with the new family business.

What do you contribute in developing the product?

I see myself as being the one who always tries to think of ways to work more efficiency.  I like to solve problems.  When I see other members of Herbal Tranquility struggling with something, I think of that as an opportunity for me to help.  One day, I noticed that one of my teammates was spending a lot of time drawing lines on the fabric.  When I saw that, I tried to think of a way to help her complete her work more quickly.  I then came up with an idea of making a template that she could use to draw lines on the fabric in a standardized, more precise manner, that would save time.

Solving problems is the thing I enjoy doing most.  But beside that, I also help out by hand stitching many of the Healing Pads. I carefully sew the Healing Pads and I enjoy doing it.  It has become a part of my daily routine and serves as a meditation that I do to help me wind down at the end of the day.

What benefits do you hope the customers will receive from using our healing pads?

I hope that the customers will feel relaxed, and feel the love that we have put into the products when creating them.  I also hope the products will make customers’ pain fade away.

–Massachusetts, USA

Herbal Tranquility Testimonial: Cornell, Age 41, Member of Herbal Tranquility

Can you tell me what brought you to this organization?

My wife bought me a Thai herbal compress on her last trip to Thailand, hoping that I might like it.  I found a friend who owns a massage parlor and asked her to give me a Thai Herbal Massage.  I enjoyed the massage so much, and wanted to  experience the Thai Herbal Massage again. I also wanted to make this treatment available to others outside of Thailand.

I started researching how to make Thai herbal compresses myself.  While researching I learned about many of the medicinal herbs used in the compress.  My wife told me that rather than making Thai herbal compresses, I should make a product that could be used all by one’s self.  I then worked with my mother and wife to develop the Healing Pad which allows customers to enjoy the medicinal benefits without requiring assistance from a licensed massage therapist.

What do you contribute in developing the product?

I really enjoy designing new products and accessories.  I love drawing my latest ideas for enhancing the Healing Pad product line and presenting them to the other members of Herbal Tranquility team.  My ideas come from my constantly trying to think of ways to make customers’ use of the product as convenient as possible.

I feel my largest contribution to the Healing Pad product is the careful selection of the medicinal ingredients.  I try to find ingredients that are as fresh as possible and many times I dehydrate the roots, herbs, flowers and fruits in my own food dehydrator.  Whenever possible, I cultivate the herbs in my own garden.

What benefits do you hope the customers will receive from using our healing pads? 

I hope that customers who purchase Healing Pads will enjoy freedom from pain.  I hope that they will find the product easy to use.  I also hope that they will tell their friends and family about their experience, so that they too can enjoy the benefit of having their own Healing Pad.

–Massachusetts, USA