Bath Soak – Bath Tea

Herbal Tranquility now offers a variety of Bath Soaks. Our Bath Soaks turn a normal bath into a luxurious spa. Our Bath Soaks are made with exotic herbal ingredients that produce fragrances that titillate the senses.

Our Bath Soaks come in a resealable bag to make sure that the ingredients stay fresh. Our Bath Soaks also come with a satchel that allows you to create your own bath tea. You can put whatever amount of Bath Soak you desire into the satchel. Satchels are meant to be dried and reused multiple times.

Product Contains: epsom salt, castor oil and various other herbal ingredients.

Our Bath Soaks come in three different varieties, each of which has its own unique blend of herbal ingredients:

  • Restore – White Turmeric | Ginger | Peppermint
  • Relax – Rose Water | Lavender | Chamomile
  • Detox – Aloe Vera | Lemongrass | Charcoal

How to use the Bath Soak to turn your next bath into a luxurious spa:

Acquire the bath satchel and spoon. Use the spoon to scoop the Bath Soak mixture out of the mylar resealable bag and place it into the bath satchel. Ready the bathtub with warm water.  Once the bathtub is filled, place the satchel into the water allowing it to steep.  The bath soak mixture will dissolve in the bath water.  After your bath, rinse and hang the bath satchel to dry.  Later, store the resealable bag (with the remaining Bath Soak mixture), the spoon, and bath satchel for the next use.