Be Easy Anti-Stress Cream

Herbal Tranquility now offers a Be Easy Anti-Stress Cream. The Be Easy Anti-Stress Cream is an all natural lotion or moisturizing cream that was designed to help those of us who suffer from bouts of high anxiety or elevated stress levels.

Product Contains:  ashwaganda, rhodiola, valerian root, bacopa, magnesium, lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, lavender and chamomile essential oils.

The Be Easy Anti-Stress Cream can be applied just like any other lotion. You can apply the Be Easy Anti-Stress Cream to the back of the neck, temples or other areas of the body. The herbal ingredients within the lotion will penetrate the skin and start inducing calm and lowering anxiety. The Be Easy Anti-Stress Cream is more than a lotion, it is infused with many herbal ingredients that are known to induce calm.

If you suffer from anxiety or find yourself often feeling stressed out, give the Be Easy Anti-Stress Cream a try.